Fantastik edebiyatta kendine önemli bir yer bulmuş büyülü yüzüklerin Pathfinder’daki çeşitlerine kısa bir bakış. Ses kaydı biraz sorunlu olmuş, Windows’u suçluyorum.
- Android Netrunner Fan Etkinliği
- O İntihar Timi
- Eşyalar ve Yüzükler
- Ring of Counterspells
- Ring of Feather Falling
- Ring of Sustenance
- Ring of Balanced Grip
- Ring of Spell Knowledge
- Ring of Ratfangs
- Ring of Swarming Stabs
- Ring of Force Shield
- Ring of Protected Life
- Ring of Foe Focus
- Ring of Transposition
- Ring of Tactical Precision
- Ring of Water walking
- Ring of Revealation
- Ring of Retribution
- Ring of Inner Fortitude
- Ring of Spell Storing
- Ring of Arcane Mastery
- Ring of Invisibility
- Ring of Wizardry
- Ring of Evasion
- Ring of X-ray vision
- Ring of Blinking
- Ring of Energy Resistance
- Ring of Return
- Ring of Recall
- Ring of Freedom of Movement
- Ring of Continuation
- Ring of Delayed Doom
- Ring of Telekinesis
- Ring of Regeneration
- Ring of Three Wishes
- Ring of Elemental Command